Category: Uncategorized

  • Ahhh.. another week down :)

    Just got off the phone with my younger brother Joshua.. We had a great talk, albeit a long one.. poor guy had to put up with me for a good 2 hours there :P. It was really cool to catch up though.. I haven’t seen him since last June and I’m looking forward to seeing…

  • Basketball and filmmaking!

    Welll.. today was QUITE a day! Its 1:12 in the morning and the night is still not over for me so you’ll have to excuse the slight case of haziness that I’m currently suffering from. Today was a very very good work day.. Ted and I both got a LOT of stuff done in the…

  • Rewarding yourself

    So I’ve been thinking of trying something new.. and before I let ya know what that is, I’m gonna take a moment to explain a challenge of mine. This is something I’ve been dealing with for quite awhile now.. it goes something like this.. I have an absolute incredible day. I get more done in…

  • Stressed out but moving on! :)

    *takes a deeep breath*.. i’m excited ‘cuz I’m getting to bed before 10 tonight! I haven’t done that since I arrived in Oregon! Today, Ted and I got a LOT of stuff done and for that I’m definitely happy. I’ve just got a lot of projects still calling for my attention and they just haven’t…

  • My trip to the Philippines – Part 1

    Now that I’m finally starting to get things lined up and my head on straight I’m putting some thought into my trip to the Philippines. Lets seee.. its 10:43 PM and I was planning to be in bed by 10:30.. shucks.. that’s not happening ;). Alright, I’ve got some good stories to tell so its…