Why & How To Improve Self-Control
“Self-control” is something that most folks admit to struggling with and most folks want more of. Why is it so elusive? Some folks blame the times we live in and the access we have to more “temptations” than ever before. Others say self-control doesn’t matter and that “if it feels good, do it”. Still others…
4 Steps For Turning Conversations Into Clients
In my consulting business I currently enjoy a 75%+ conversation-to-client ratio, which means that more than 7 out of 10 of the folks that contact me (or that I contact) about work become clients. If you look at the projects where I’ve spent more than an hour on in the sale process, that number is…
7 Reasons You Should Build Your Business On WordPress
When I got my first clients and started building websites I knew some HTML and enough CSS to get in trouble. I read all the tutorials I could find and expanded my skillsets as quickly as I could. I knew almost nothing about programming at the time and when a client told me she wanted…
Available for WordPress Freelance Work
Happy New Year! :) Looking for some professional help with WordPress? I may be able to help. Starting this month, I’m opening the doors for up to 3 WordPress projects. After full-time work in Sabramedia and spending evenings with my beautiful wife Joslyn, I have some time available in the early week day mornings and…
Book Review: Learning jQuery
I was first introduced to jQuery, oh.. somewhere around a few months ago. Having a strong background in niche marketing and then front-end web development (design/xhtml/css, etc), my “programming knowledge” had been limited to a basic ability to editing basic PHP, etc, and “making things work”. A few client projects were calling for a bit…