Category: Freelance

  • Defining Success as a Designer

    My good friend Nathan tagged me a few days ago to write about my success as a “designer”. After reading his post again and then the excellent entry of my co-tagee Small Potato, memories are flashing back and I’m eager to write.. 1. How did you get started in the business? Like Small Potato, I…

  • Web Developer Apps and Links Roundup

    Since taking up work as an active freelance developer and since the overhaul of my blog, I’ve been paying more attention to ways of making the best uses of technology. As I’ve been working on client projects and doing research on my own time, I’ve been blessed with little discoveries here and there that have…

  • Life as a Freelance Web Developer

    Computers have been a part of my life for quite some time. At the age of 12 I had already built my first website. By 17, one of my best friends and I had taken on our first “official” web development project. By 19, I had caught an interest in something called “CSS” along with…