Giving Credit Where It’s Due
About a week or so ago, I was working on a WordPress project that called for an above average contact form. It needed to give visitors the ability to upload photos, receive auto responses and notifications, have built in spam blocking, and track submissions in the WordPress database. After a bit of looking, I found…
Upgraded to WordPress 2.3 Beta
Cheers to the WordPress team on another fine release :). I’ve been holding off on the tagging feature on a few client projects for this release and now that it’s in beta I’ll be looking forward to playing around with it and giving it a healthy test run or two before it’s ready for public…
Book Review: Learning jQuery
I was first introduced to jQuery, oh.. somewhere around a few months ago. Having a strong background in niche marketing and then front-end web development (design/xhtml/css, etc), my “programming knowledge” had been limited to a basic ability to editing basic PHP, etc, and “making things work”. A few client projects were calling for a bit…
The Next Move
To set the platform for the next move in life it is necessary to rewind the clock a few short weeks back and share some of the ways that God has been leading in my life. Just a little over a month ago, on July 10, 2007, an overwhelming growth in business led to our…
Books That Have Changed My Life
In my time with God yesterday morning, I was impressed to add something new to my little website. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to spare for updates these past few weeks, but in thinking and praying about it, this was something that I couldn’t put off. F Growing up, I’ve always enjoyed…