• Tutorial: Use PHP to display exclusive content for Google Visitors

    While browsing through my visitor referrals this morning, I noticed that a large number of unique visitors are making their way over to my little site from Google Images. A quick look at bandwidth usage shows that the majority of visitors are just looking for images to leech for MySpace profiles, etc, which I don’t…

  • Back from the D.R.

    I took a look at my visitor stats this morning and was surprised that a rather high number of people still regularly visit this neglected little blog. Well, seemingly neglected.. *smiles*.. It’s been on the back of my mind for the past several weeks and, slowly but surely, I’ve been working on it behind the…

  • New Niche Marketing Membership

    My good friend Matt Geri, after months of hard work, preparation, and undoubtedly sweat in the hot South African sun, has finally relaunched his niche marketing membership site, NicheRama.com! I was privileged to be a bystander through the development and was amazed as the site came together. Matt programmed the backend and all the major…

  • Life Experiences of 2006 and My Conversion

    Quite a few months have passed since my last blog update! : ) – After consciously delaying updates for the first few months, the habit of “wanting to update” finally fell asleep and life went on. But today, that’s changed. Much has happened since May of 2006.. very much! I’m writing this afternoon from a…

  • ContentHeroes.com is live!

    Yup, I’ve been keeping busy! : ) – After many weeks of hard work and the help of many bright and very talented individuals, ContentHeroes.com is live and ready to go! This is my first public offering in the world of niche marketing. The idea behind Content Heroes is to furnish niche marketers with high…