You Know You’re Living in 2005 When..
My girlfriend sent this to me and I had a great laugh this morning. Decided that I just had to pass it along :). 2005 is just about over so how about some thoughts for the year! You know you’re living in 2005 when: 1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You…
$1000 in 24 Hours with Niche Marketing
Just a little over a week ago, on Friday, December 2nd, 2005, I sold my first product. With that sale I was given a first taste of what it’s like to create and sell your own products and.. I’m hooked. So in these few minutes as I start my day and prepare for the rest…
Wow.. Wrapping Up The Year
Can you believe it? 2005 is just about gone! Its the 9th of December now and wow.. Its hard for me to believe that the year’s just about gone! Yesterday, after finally catching up with Matt after his return from a one week vacation, I verified our plans and then purchased our season passes for…
Fighting Off A Cold!
Yes I’m fighting off sickness and I’m doing well! Lots of water, airborne, and cayenne, works wonders! Through that I’ve been working more on and, today, put a LOT of work and FINISHED up my ‘lightning guide to making money with blogs’. The first copy is available exclusively to the purchases of my first…
One Year Anniversary
Today, exactly one year ago,, as it is now, was launched. I put a lot of work into that baby and its served me well. Now its time for a remodel ;). I got started early this afternoon and have been working on it throughout the day. I’m liking it! Its a lot different…