• Late At Night

    ‘Twas a very blessed Sabbath afternoon for me :). Things are going well! Its very late at night and tomorrow is a big day, yet ‘cuz I can, I’m posting anyway ;). Goodnight World! -Jonathan Wold

  • One Year Anniversary

    Its been exactly one year to the day since I had a haircut! I told mom over the phone this evening and she sorta went quiet.. *smiles*.. Poor mom. Getting ready to have a baby and now she has to think about how badly her son needs a haircut.. hehe. I’m still not sure what…

  • Rough Day

    Ever have one of those? Things just don’t seem to work out for you? I know how ya feel ;). I’ve had a lot of those.. *smiles*.. I can’t complain though. I have awesome friends and family.. I have a girlfriend who supports me through everything and puts up with me, even when I’m a…

  • Perseverence, Self-Discipline, And Bamboo

    There’s an amazing bamboo plant called the Moso that grows in China and the far east. After the Moso is planted, no visible growth occurs for up to five years – even under ideal conditions! Then, as if by magic, this little guys rocks out of the ground at the rate of nearly two and…

  • Shopping, Haircuts, Sore Backs, and Internet Marketing

    Now that’s a title my friends. And today was certainly a day. Not to say that yesterday wasn’t a day as well, but today was DEFINITELY a day. It could have been because I only had one hour of sleep last night. Paulie headed off to Las Vegas to attend a seminar and I went…