1001 Days of Pushups

I did my sets of pushups today, just like any other day and nothing felt particularly special about it.

It’s a big day, though.

I’ve now done multiple sets of pushups every day for 1001 days in a row. No days missed. Rain or shine, on a frozen lake, atop a mountain, on a boat, on a plane, wherever I needed to to get the pushups done.

It’s About Momentum

Practically speaking, what I’m doing today, 1001 days later, isn’t a whole lot different than when I started.

On the pushups front, I started out being able to do 1-2 at a time, four sets a day.

Today, I average about 50 pushups a day and if I want to push myself, I can do about 30 in a row without stopping.

A definite improvement, but there’s more to the story.

I chose pushups because it’s a ridiculously tiny habit. My friends laughed. What difference could a few pushups make? I should join a gym or do some real exercise.

They weren’t wrong in the short-term. A few pushups a day wasn’t going to make a big difference to my health.

Because the habit was ridiculously tiny, though, I kept it up.

Then, something magical happened. I had a habit in place and I wanted to experiment with more.

Pushups became building block habits. And they built momentum.

More Tiny Habits

Today, I track 25 different tiny habits that have helped me build momentum across a wide range of focus areas. They include:

All of these are tiny on their own. Easy to get done and really don’t seem like a big deal.

When I add them up, though, I’ve been able to use tiny habits to create significant amounts of momentum over time.

This experiment with tiny habits has been life-changing for me.

And I’m just getting started.