Ever have that feeling? You see something or someone in your life.. You look past what’s on the outside and there, beneath the surface, you see a diamond. Not just any diamond, but one shining bright and beautiful, full of life and energy. You see it there, but then you remember, its still in the rough. Its not shining all the way through yet. Many people seem to take that diamond and only see the rough.. and give up. Not me. I won’t give up. After all, i’m still in the rough and if it weren’t for those who’ve seen that faint glimmer of a diamond within me and have encouraged me throughout my life, I might have believed that a plain rock is all I’d ever be.
Hehe.. I felt like talking ’bout diamonds :).
I’ve been working really really hard these past few days.. On Sunday we had the YC Team Meeting and that went very very well. We spent time brainstorming with each other, sharing things we’ve learned throughout the week, obstacles we’ve overcome, and just having fun :). Then, we focused our energies on the community and brainstormed about some of the challenges we’ve been working on. That went really well! It’s amazing what happens when you’re able to surround yourself with a bunch of really bright people.. creavity and challenge solving knows no end!
Today I’ve been working on my latest project.. creating over 100 new mini sites! The domain purchase was definitely a record for me :P. I’ve been trying to decide exactly what I want to do with them.. What’s the long term goal of the project? I’ve been in contact with people at Google and doing a ton of research. I also just dropped $149 bucks today and joined Webmaster World with a one year subscription.. that was quite a purchase ;). I’ll be focusing small bits and pieces of my time over there, meeting new people and helping out where I can.
Had a really good time at lunch today! Paulie and Casey and I met at the Olive Garden and talked about a ton of stuff. I went through at least 5 peach ice teas and maann are they good!
I spent several hours today finishing up work on a web design project.. It feels good to get that one out of the way, especially since I know the client is very happy with the work :). That’s always a good feeling to have. Actually, its a great feeling to have! :D
And so is having a girlfriend who wants you to hurry up and finishing posting so you can spend more time with her ;). At least, its a great feeling mossstt of the time.. *grins*.. I mean, I can’t ever imagine anyyy situation where I wouldn’t wannt to hurry up and spend time with you dear :|. Its not like you ever ever everr get in a grumpy mood or anything remotely like that.. hehehee.
Ok, I’d better run I really doo get in trouble :P. Goodnight World!
-Jonathan Wold
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