
A Word for the Early Risers (And the would-bes)

As a happily married man of nearly 5 months now, it’s been a struggle to maintain a consistent sleeping schedule. It has been a happy give and take between time with my wonderful wife and time sleeping. I’ve known all along, though, that in the long run, if I don’t take the time for rest that I need, time with my dear wife will suffer.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been working together to bring consistency to our life. While we continue to be flexible, we tend towards a bedtime of no later than 10:30 and, ideally, closer to 9:30.

With my work as a partner in a development and niche marketing company, several side projects, work in my local church, and a family of my own, finding time for blogging, etc., unless I have control over my time, is impossible.

Here’s how a typical day will go.

I wake up, without an alarm clock, around 5-6 AM. I get up, drink a full glass of water, and then go into our guest room/office and spend time in Bible study, inspirational reading, and prayer. 45 minutes or so later, I close my time in prayer and then begin tackling the day. I’ll divide my time between answering emails, blogging, and working on side projects. This will typically go on until it’s time to eat and get ready for work. Depending on our schedule that morning, I’ll eat breakfast with my sweet wife, spend a bit of time together, and then off I go to work.

On some mornings, I’ll tune in to a message on audioverse.org while washing the dishes or doing some other general cleaning around the house. My wife takes excellent care of our home and helping out every now and then when things get backed up is the least I can do.

So, is it worth it?

Yes! A thousand times over, yes!

That extra time in the morning makes all the difference my friends.

In just the past few weeks, as I’ve had the extra time, I’ve been able to learn more, to move forward on my side projects, and be better prepared for the day’s work.

If you are already an early riser, I encourage you to keep it up. I’d love to hear your personal experiences.

If you’re not yet, how about giving it a try? It’s not an easy thing if you’re unused to it. I know what it’s like to be up till 2 AM and sleep till noon. It’s a hard cycle to break and for some it’s easy to decide that “Well, I’m just not a morning person”. It’s a habit, though, and like any other habit, old ones can be broken and new ones formed.

As I grow older and responsibilities increase the desire to have a mastery of my time and health continues to grow stronger. And as I am learning to control my time and keep priorities straight (God, family, work, ministry, side projects), I’ve been blessed with good health and success in the work that I take on.

I have much to learn and I look forward to more trials and a greater depth of experience.

Have a wonderful new day my friends.

Jonathan Wold


2 responses to “A Word for the Early Risers (And the would-bes)”

  1. Hi Jonathan,

    As with your post Titled “Focus On Improving Your God-Given Talents”, I have also enjoyed reading “A Word for the Early Risers (And the would-bes)”.

    In respect of the latter, I’d like to say that over the past couple of weeks, I have been getting up and heading off to work an hour earlier each morning. It makes me so happy and as you say, a complete world of difference. I’ve noticed that one of the many perks of doing this is the clarity you have in your mind to think about anything you want, in peace.

    Here’s to me eventually pushing back an hour or two more, breaking that turning-in-late habit and to you sharing more of these lovely posts.

    All the best,

    Anna :)

  2. Hi Jonathan,

    I will definitely try this! I been able in the past to rise early and on those days I felt really better. Having a word of encouragement from you will help me with my early rise struggle.

    Also as a Christian I feel a need to spend more time with God and the morning hours are specially good for that.

    Thanks a lot,

    Filipe Moreira

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