Ahh.. Beautiful Portland : )

Today is a picture day! Ted and I drove into Portland to meet with a friend of his and go over some marketing tactics. We had a great meeting, got some awesome food in a lovely little cafe, drove around for a bit, then headed home! We played some basketball in the park and both of us caught up on some leftover work.. then off to bed! Check out the pictures :).

We start with a beautiful view of the path leading down to the cafe :). I forgot my camera on the way over so I had to run back.. I took my time the second round through and grabbed some pictures ;).

Here’s Ted and Jennifer both working hard on marketing strategies. Can you tell she’s a Portland fan? ;)

On our way out I grabbed this lovely shot a gate.. Portland has some absolutely amazing archetecture.. its hot stuff :).

A lovely view of a skyscraper along the freeway :).

And finally, one of the upperclass homes with one heck of a lawn ;). That’s the advantage to all the rain right there, you get some beautiful grass!

And that’s that for the pictures! ;). I started an interview today and that should be up and finalized within the next few days, so look forward to that!

Also, be sure to check out my buddy Brian Watkins new website! Its still a work in progress, but its a great start! ;).

Off to bed I go.. Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold

Highlight of my day:

Getting out and playing some serious games of basketball. I’m still behind but I’m getting better.. it just takes practice.. and lots of it ;).


One response to “Ahh.. Beautiful Portland : )”

  1. Awesome pictures man! I can’t figure out why you think she is a Portland fan? :P

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