Ahhh.. another day completed!

I’m excited! Its 9:55 PM and it looks like I’m going to make it to bed by 10:30! BOOYA! :)

I started the day off a bit late, but got rolling very fast. After taking care of a bunch of emails and finishing up an interview with Mitch Keeler (I’ll let you know when its posted) I got rolling with my day.

First, I worked on Amae’s website. Here’s some of my work from this morning, painted entirely in photoshop, stroke by stroke :). Let me know what you think!

I’ll be painting another one tomorrow.. I’m looking forward to it!Once I finished the painting, I got started on the Youthcove Newsletter! My plan WAS to send it out today, but I realized about a half hour ago, as I finished the final copy, that just wasn’t going to work ;). So I will be sending it out on the 1st, sometime early tomorrow morning or afternoon. I’m looking forward to this issue! It doesn’t do much in the way of graphics but I’m very happy with the content. If you aren’t already subscribed, head on over to the young entrepreneurs website at Youthcove.com and click on “Newsletter”. You’ll be able to fill out the subscription form there :).

And that’s just about that! I’m going to wrap this up and then spend some time planning out my master list for tomorrow and thenn.. I’m off to bed!

Oh yeah.. I’m considering whether or not I should shave ;). I’ve let my face go for almost a week and a half now and its starting to get wild.. I kinda like the wild man look.. I haven’t mentioned it much to my girlfriend ‘cuz I have a feeling she might have an opinion or two.. soo we’ll see how it goes :).

Goodnight world!

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Step:

Painting and writing the newsletter!


5 responses to “Ahhh.. another day completed!”

  1. Congrats on the newsletter! Can’t wait to read it. Oh and I really like the painting ;-) I also really need to start going to bed a little erlier. Going to bed at 12:30 just isn’t doing me any good.

    – James

  2. Hey dude that’s awesome! I love the textures and colors in the flower, and the stem. And good trick with the grass ;)! Hey keep up the great work bro, love ya!

  3. Love the picture man. Very nice. I still don’t understand how something like that is done with a computer. I guess in time right hehe.

    A week without shaving! Man I would have a full out beard and would look like I’m 30 after a week!

    Keep at it buddy! :D

  4. The picture is beautiful. The shades of colours look right. How do you do something like that in Photoshop??

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