And what a day! :).. My younger brother, Josiah, came up yesterday afternoon to spend a couple of days here with me. Today we took him over to the dentist and they did some great work on his teeth! He’s a happy camper! ;)
Josiah and I have been hard at work building niche websites today! I’ve been teaching him the basics, he’s been taking that, and we’ve been doing some really good work! Josiah has a great attention to detail and it shows in the sites he’s put together. I’ll link you guys up to some of our latest work in a few days as we finish it up! :)
Yikes! Tomorrow is one of my last days to work on the new blog! It’s only needing a few more hours of my attention to meet my commitment for this week, yet its still a few hours that are threatening to sneak away from me! I’ll just have to take care of that!
I joined another continuity program this morning, this time, a program over at (That’s my affiliate link :). I set aside ome time this morning to look over what they had to offer and after just a few minutes, I was impressed. I’ll spend sumore time next week going through the articles and products they have available to get a clearer sense of the value, and overall, I expect to continue to be very happy with my purchase!
Josiah went and wrote his first article this evening and contributed it to InfoGoRound. He wrote a great little article on changing the oil in your vehicle.. I’m very proud of him! Way to go bro!
And on that note.. this very tired internet entrepreneur is heading off to bed! Tomorrow’s another big day as we wrap up the week :). I’m looking forward to it!..
..Wow.. is it just me or are days just going by REALLY fast?! It’s the 4th of November! Next thing ya know, its gonna be December! *smiles*.. Wow.. In just 2 more months I’ll be able to say, “I’m going to be 21 next year!”.. That’s always fun :).
Goodnight World!
-Jonathan Wold
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