400 days of pushups
I’m excited! 400 days ago I decided that I would do at least 4 sets of pushups a day. And I’ve done it! I haven’t missed a single day since. I’ve also gone from being able to barely complete a total of 4 pushups per day (1 pushup for each “set”) to, starting last week, a minimum…
Tiny Habits
I’d been struggling with my exercise routine for awhile now. The problem with my routine was that it didn’t exist. My hours in front of a computer each day were broken up by the occasional walk to the bathroom or kitchen. I’d long been convinced of the benefits of consistent exercise, but being convinced just…
CaboPress 2018
It was the last night in Cabo. There I was, sitting on the patio after dinner, breathing in cigar smoke, listening to snippets of a conversation, then jumping into another, laughing hard with the group as we shared stories, enjoying drinks, and just taking it all in. It felt surreal and perfect. It was clear…
“First Client” Interview #4 – Chris Frick
This interview is the fourth in a series I started to share how web designers and developers got their first client. Chris Frick is a native of Jasper, Indiana. I met Chris a few years ago while I lived in Jasper. He was attending the local community college at the time and interested in pursuing…
Considering My “Mold” Niche Website for Sale
10.7.08 Update: MoldBlogger has since risen to nearly 10,000 uniques a month and after dedicating some time to it and committing to work on it together, my wife and I have decided to keep it in the family. Thank you for all those who expressed an interest. Dear Friends, A formal update has been on…