Category: Updates

  • Upgraded to WordPress 2.3 Beta

    Cheers to the WordPress team on another fine release :). I’ve been holding off on the tagging feature on a few client projects for this release and now that it’s in beta I’ll be looking forward to playing around with it and giving it a healthy test run or two before it’s ready for public…

  • Experimenting with Opera 9.2

    As a web developer, I’ve been a full time Firefox user for several years. Internet Explorer 6.0 has been reserved for tested and a few other odd browsers for accessibility standards. But today, I decided to try something “new” and welcomed Opera into my digital toolbox. An interesting experience of mine as a developer has…

  • Trying Out pMetrics Premium Stats

    About a week ago, I was doing some casual searching for a stats tracking solution. I had been working on an idea for a way to monitor information across my entire network of websites from a single location. So far, while I had a few possibilities in mind, none of the programs out there quite…

  • Blog Redesign

    After several weeks of work here and there between freelance projects, I’ve finally been blessed with the opportunity to finish a much needed new design for my little blog. A huge thanks to all those who gave their feedback and support through the design process. For those of you reading this immediately after the update…

  • is live!

    Yup, I’ve been keeping busy! : ) – After many weeks of hard work and the help of many bright and very talented individuals, is live and ready to go! This is my first public offering in the world of niche marketing. The idea behind Content Heroes is to furnish niche marketers with high…