The Next Move
To set the platform for the next move in life it is necessary to rewind the clock a few short weeks back and share some of the ways that God has been leading in my life. Just a little over a month ago, on July 10, 2007, an overwhelming growth in business led to our…
The Danger of Success
“We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past..” Ellen White, 1902 I’ve had many ups and downs in my life. As I began work as a freelance web developer in early 2007, I was slowly but surely…
Defining Success as a Designer
My good friend Nathan tagged me a few days ago to write about my success as a “designer”. After reading his post again and then the excellent entry of my co-tagee Small Potato, memories are flashing back and I’m eager to write.. 1. How did you get started in the business? Like Small Potato, I…
Experimenting with Opera 9.2
As a web developer, I’ve been a full time Firefox user for several years. Internet Explorer 6.0 has been reserved for tested and a few other odd browsers for accessibility standards. But today, I decided to try something “new” and welcomed Opera into my digital toolbox. An interesting experience of mine as a developer has…