This week’s episode serves as the introduction to the “Creating Clients” podcast. In this first episode I introduce myself, share a bit about my experience, and then dive right into explaining the concept of “creating clients”.
Episode Highlights
- The best clients are those that are created in meaningful, impactful conversations that get to the heart of what they’re trying to accomplish and begin working towards solutions.
- The first step towards creating “great” client relationships is to intentionally connect with an individual / organization with an attitude of service.
Special Thanks
- Joshua Wold – For encouraging me, strongly, to start a podcast : ).
- Nick Peterson – For letting me borrow his podcasting microphone and for dragging his feet on the ice bucket challenge.
- Brennan Dunn – For tuning in to last week’s hangout-on-air and recommending a great book, which re-inspired me.
Next Steps
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