is live!

ContentHeroes.comYup, I’ve been keeping busy! : ) – After many weeks of hard work and the help of many bright and very talented individuals, is live and ready to go!

This is my first public offering in the world of niche marketing. The idea behind Content Heroes is to furnish niche marketers with high quality content.. content that you’ll be proud to have on your site, content that your visitors will understand and actually learn from and content that will last.

My goal is also to make it something that’s affordable for the niche marketer, web designer, and anyone who has a desire for quality! Content writers can easily be anywhere from $10-20 an article for a small 400-500 word article and, unfortunately, even at those prices you don’t always get the highest quality.

I’ve been blessed and priviliged to work with a team of excellent content writers on this project who understand the importance of high quality and who are proud of their work. As ContentHeroes grows I’m looking forward to working with even more : ).

With the launch of ContentHeroes, we have a single product offering, and that’s something called the “MiniPack”. For just $5 you get 5 high quality, completely original, proof-read and double checked, 400-500 word articles in a given niche topic. We started off with 5 topics and we’ll be adding more and more as time goes on.

Check it out and above all, let me know what you think! I appreciate all the feedback you guys give : ).

Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you!



8 responses to “ is live!”

  1. Great idea. I cant find an area online where you state how you pay article writers – is it flat fee or simply per sale (or no pay)…

    Maybe you can have a way for webmasters to request categories so someone can write on them?

  2. Hey Mike!

    It’s been quite a little project! ;).. I’m going to be working on a bunch of new stuff for ContentHeroes over the next couple of weeks and months.. so we’ll see how that goes!

    As for paying article writers, my apologies for it being hard to find! It’s tucked away in the “Become a Content Hero” section –

    Writers are paid: “..on delivery or, for the more ambitious, we’ll negotiate a percentage of the profits.”

    Topics (or categories) can be suggested through the “Suggest a Topic” section –

    Have an awesome day : )


  3. Well Done

  4. Jonathan,

    Site looks pretty cool man! If you get a chance shoot me over an email if you could. I am looking to catch you to potentially interview you for I am also looking to chat with you regarding a few other matters. Regarding the YE site, I just the job as the blog director over there and think you and Matt Geri would make great interviews.

    The sooner the better man. Talk to ya soon, hope all is well.


  5. Jonathan,

    Are you still alive!

    Haven’t heard from you in 3 months.

    Must be pretty busy!


  6. good post and site

  7. So I’m sitting here at work and there is a guy I work with named Conan. And today is his birthday. So everyone is e-mailing around pictures of conan the barbarian and xena and stuff like that. and it’s getting crazier and crazier.

    Then someone emails a picture of your dragon and says something like “happy birthday conan lover of dragons”. I’m sure he just google image searched for a dragon, but the image had your signature “Jonathan Wold”.

    and I think to myself, “Jonathan Wold. that name sound really familiar”.

    So I google you and end up at this website. I look around and quickly realize that this Jonathan Wold guy is the guy I used to play jippi games with at the parks Mall in Arlington Texas.

    What an insanely small crazy world this is!

    I know this is off topic from your post, But I just had to say something.

  8. Where have you been, buddy? It’s been way too long since I’ve seen you online or making an update. Looking forward to hearing from you again!


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