For just about 2 months now, I’ve been working off and on during the early morning hours on a small new project. The idea stemmed from a realization that one of the very best ways to learn something is by teaching and sharing with others. This has held true for me all throughout my young life from my writing on Niche Marketing to my WordPress tutorials, and a whole lot more.
In the far more important realm of understanding God’s Word, I’ve seen the principle of “gaining treasure to share with others” yield the greatest reward. There is a great responsibility in sharing truths gleaned from the Scriptures as, in our human weakness, we must be sure that we aren’t imparting our understanding of the Scriptures but rather the plain truths revealed in the Scriptures themselves. It is with that in mind that I’ve taken up this project and as I continue to keep that uppermost in my mind I have no doubt that He will continue to bless the project.
And so, the first Scripture theme that I’ll be studying out and planning to share each and every morning is “Proverbs“. Starting with Chapter 1 and Verse 1, I’ll make my way through each and every verse, connecting scripture with scripture, sharing some of my own notes as a fellow student, and ending each morning with a call to action.
I encourage each of you to check it out. Your comments and feedback are warmly welcomed : ).
Have a wonderful new day my friends,
Update: My younger brother and co-developer Joshua Wold has joined me this morning on with the start of a morning theme on John 17.
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