In just 2 days I’ll be heading off for the Internet Marketing Main Event in Phoenix, AZ! I’m looking forward to that :).
This weekend has been QUITE a weekend!
We had a Youthcove Team Meeting on Sunday and, thanks to all the awesome people who showed up, it went very well. I saw firsthand, once again, how important and powerful it is to be a part of a team. When it comes to communities, and really, just about anything, trying to run it as a one-man show, no matter how good your intentions, just won’t work. You have to have a team, focused and dedicated!
So the meeting went very well and I’m looking forward to the next on the 25th of September! was moved to a new server last night and the forum was upgraded to vBulletin 3.5 this morning! Along with that, I was able to go through and completely revamp the membership application system. It should be working very smoothly now! Thanks to all those who helped me test it!
And with that.. I’ve got a lot to do over the next few days.. I’m finishing up a website for a ‘client’ of sorts. I’ll show you guys once its done ;).
If I don’t get a chance to blog again, I’ll be blogging when I get back and letting you guys know how the event goes! Take care and have an AWESOME evening!
-Jonathan Wold
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