Got a credit card!

Today was an awesome day! Now lets see if I can remember everything that happened! ;)..

I began my ‘work day’ after my cold shower and worship by talking with Matt. We went over some stuff, discussed some of our plans (wow that seems like it was yesterday) and then went into ‘primetime’.

I turned off my email, I disable my MSN.. I freed myself from all distractions and worked solidly on Hostingfrog. Well, amazing amazing I actually made progress!! Go check it out over at the startup blog. Be sure to post your comments! ;)

And then I moved on to other things. I worked on (a website for young entrepreneurs if you didn’t know yet ;), got sumore work done with the template and did my share of posting in the community.

Lets see, what else..

AH yes! I had my first tutoring session with Amae!.. Yeah, I thought it was spelt Aimee and, in fact, that is her legal spelling.. she goes by Amae though and is planning to change her name before too long ;). Its pronounced (Ah – may).. The session went very well and I’m looking forward to the next few. I’m teaching her web design and we’re starting with the basics in dreamweaver. She’s on a mac, so that makes things a tad trickier, but still cool ;).

I had a really great talk with victor today! He’s the proud owner of a web based fitness program at He’s getting his busy plan up and rolling and I’m very proud of him! We’re going to be getting together this Sunday and play some basketball at the beach, just hanging out for awhile. I’m looking forward to it! I could use a break! ;)

My good friend Scott has been working hard on some articles for Hostingfrog and ran a mention of it in his blog tonight. I’m looking forward to seeing more updates from him, he’s got some powerful writing abilities! His website is going to be a lot of fun as well.. he’s given me creative license to come up with whatever I’d like ;).. Hehehehe…

AH yes, I found a great blog in my browsing today! Check out Mitch Keeler’s blog titled mitchelaneous. He runs a tech related blog which is VERY interesting for those who are into the whole web hosting industry, as I am. We’re exchanging emails and I’m interested to see if there is anyway we’ll be able to help each other out. It looks like he’s got some great ideas and I wanna support him in anyway I can :).

And that’s JUST about it for tonight.. ohh yesss..

I got a credit card!

Amazing is it not? I’d take a picture if I had a camera and show you guys.. (minus the numbers.. *grins*..) but I don’t just yet so you’ll have to wait ;). Its a very pretty card, with a beautiful island landscape across the front..

Its a capitol one and they’ve given me an INCREDIBLY large spending limit.. ready for it?

Yeah.. $300 dollars :P. Hehe.. its kinda funny.. they must have seen my hair and mistaken me for a crazy teenager.. *grins*

And that’s about a wrap!

Oh yes.. and be sure to check out Jessi Abela’s blog again ;). I’m really looking forward to working with her over the next few months as her musical career takes off! This girl’s got some serious talent and I’m also looking forward to giving you guys a listen to some of her stuff!

Goodnight world!

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Step:

Figuring out what my first book is going to be about annnd.. figuring out what my next ‘line of work’ is going to be ;). More on that tomorrow..


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