Life in an Internet Startup – Working At Home

On an average work day, we take a 45-minute drive in to our basement office in Jasper, Indiana. Nick, Joshua, and I will typically commute together and meet up there with the rest of the team (currently 6, soon to be more). We were planning to head in to the office today to put in some overtime hours on an active project. Our ideas were changed by waking up Sabbath morning to this beautiful sight:

Day At Home - 1

We had a wonderful day and went for a nice 2 mile walk in the snow after lunch. That evening, we spent some time sledding.

This morning, though, it posed a challenge to our plans of going in and pulling an “all day(er)” at the office. We decide to work from home. Nick, who lives just down the road from his parents house (who are kindly housing Joshua and I at the moment), came up to visit and we setup shop on the kitchen table and got back to work.

Day At home - 2

Here you can see Joshua designing away in the background. He handles all the design work for the company. He works primarily in Illustrator and is also starting to branch off into Photoshop.

To the right you can see Nick programming. Today we’ve been working out some small bugs on Nick is fixing a challenge with the TinyMCE editor. He works with Zend Studio as his PHP IDE of choice and Navicat for MySQL work. He uses Firebug (on Firefox) for his AJAX/jQuery debug work.

And to the left is my humble little laptop. Today I’ve been answering questions on Blogster and making sure various projects of ours are up-to-date.

Life in our little startup ( is wonderful. I’m currently working full-time as a developer, exercising my God-given talents and abilities with CSS and interface development to work with Nick in building our application platform and working together on a number of implementations. My passion is niche marketing and, slowly but surely, opportunities are arising for me to do that full-time within the company. First, though, I will continue to be faithful in the small things and pursue my love of development.

We’ve been blessed with a lot of success and a lot of challenges which, as we’re faithful with each, continue to bring even more success.

Tomorrow we’ll be heading back into the office and going through another fast-paced day of work.

On Friday, I’ll be flying out to Oklahoma to spend a week with my fiancée, Joslyn. Fiancée? That’s right! On May 19th of 2008, I’m getting married! :) – As excited I am about working with the wonderful team of guys and girls that we have at Sabramedia, I’m even more excited about my future with Joslyn. God has been very good to me.

More on life in our little startup later. Once development demands have given us a bit more breathing room, I’m looking forward to sharing more on our experiences and the daily lessons we’ve learned on running a successful startup.

Have a wonderful day!

Jonathan Wold


3 responses to “Life in an Internet Startup – Working At Home”

  1. Gunnar Bruun Avatar
    Gunnar Bruun


    I can’t believe you left me alone in the office here just because of a little snow. Did it stop me? NO!
    I let snow be snow and fought my way to the office bright and early.

    “But Gunnar, you live in the house where we have the office”, you might say. Well, is that my fault, now? Enough excuses, my friend. Just good to have you here today.

  2. I saw the picture of the snow, i was wondering is indiana like well out in the country or sumit,

    anyway peace out

    “Feed My Lips”

  3. Aweosome view of snow, I’m surely stayed at home at that weather and sleep. :p

    Hope you will enjoy your marriage life soon.

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