I’m very very tired and I have an early day tomorrow, so I’m gonna make this one relatively quick.. I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately and I’d like to start doing some interviews ;).
There are so many fascinating people out there and more often then not they keep all this incredible information about themselves locked away! Its not that they always mean to, its just that they rarely get the opportunity to share themselves!
So, here’s what I’m looking for.. I’m looking to interview people who have NEVER been interviewed before. More interviews can come later, but for now I’d like to start with people who haven’t had a chance to be in the spotlight.
The interviews will all be very informal and I’ll publish them once a week or so, depending on how things go ;).
So, here’s how it works:
If you know someone who should be interviewed or you yourself would like to be interviewed, send me an email! My address is Jonathan (at) Woldboys.com. Let me know that you’re interested.. give me a little bit of information about yourself and tell me WHY you feel you or your nominee should be interviewed.
And that’s that! Its a pretty simple deal really and it’ll be a lot of fun :). You’ll have a chance to read it BEFORE its published and make sure you approve, so no worries there.
I’m only doing them on a first come first serve basis right now.. so don’t hesitate! I can’t wait to hear from you :).
Goodnight World!
-Jonathan Wold
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