My Brother the Artist

Isn’t that awesome? :). I had something all planned up to share with you guys and suddenly its 1 AM and I am exhauusted.. So instead, you guys get too see some of my little brother’s work tonight! He’s very talented and I’m very proud of him! If you’d ever like a portrait done or know of someone who would, let me know and I’ll hook you up with him ;). He’d charge you next to nothing so I’ll set a rate for him.. He charges $100 a portrait! There.. now you can bargain ;).

Alright, that’s that.. Josiah and I are working on the final touches of our interview and I’m really excited about sharing that with you guys :). Once that’s done, I’ve got a couple more coming your way!

Alright, time for some sleeep.. Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold

Highlight of my day:

Winning basketball.. 21-11.. ;)


3 responses to “My Brother the Artist”

  1. I enjoyed this specific piece of artwork, and I’m happy with how it came out. Thanks for showing it Jonathan! :)


  2. That is amazing! Man if I could just figure out how make a circle…a circle…I’d probably draw more often.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Hey, don’t feel bad, I don’t even know how to draw a circle! If I want to draw a circle, that’s what a compass is for. It takes lots of practice, that’s for sure. :)


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