Niche Marketing Overload!

Wow.. what an overload ;). I’ve been in ‘Niche Marketing’ for months now and I’ve been doing very well. A few of my websites have worked together and pulled in close to $200 dollar days, which is a great starting point!

But tonight I had a bit of a revelation.. My new advancements into building up virtual empires have been growing strong, my focus is on taking a niche, a topic, and building entire networks of ultra high quality content, from a wide spectrum of angles. So far its been going really well.. Within a month or so I’ll have a better idea of what the financial return is like. I’ll keep you guys updated on that!

But the revelation.. The revelation is that I’m building niche websites! Its something that, for whatever odd reason, didn’t really click until this evening.

I’ve been overwhelmed with information and its all good!

I started off the night by reading a new blog I’ve found,, written by Bo Bang. He has some awesome stuff over there that really got me thinking! I purchased a subscription to an article writing service, which I’ll be sharing more about once I’ve had a chance to check it out.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Bo over MSN this evening and had a great time! We talked a bit about niche marketing and I told him a little of what I’ve been up too. Bo’s a really great guy.. be sure to give his blog a look over and send some nice comments his way! Bo recommended that I join the Warrior Forum community so.. I did! Yeah, and it was right about that time that overload started hitting me ;).

My girlfriend, always supporting me in my craziness, reminded me to just take a step back and soak it in. If you hit the gas too hard you’ll spin out.. and if you don’t hit it at all.. well.. you won’t go anywhere ;). So I’m taking a small step back to soak it in.

My goal over the next few months is to build up strong virtual empires in a wide range of niches, starting with ones I’ve had experience in and know to be profitable. I’m going to go at them from all angles, building a bunch of different sites to meet different needs, all the while focusing on providing the highest level of content possible. One of my measures is imagining my mom going through my sites looking for information on whatever topic I’m presenting. Would she be able to find the answers? Would she see it as useful? Its a tough measure, but for me it works ;).

And on that, its going to be a crazzzyy weeekk! Lots of stuff is moving forward! I’m working hard on the latest Youthcove project.. the Youthcove Blog! My good friend Joshua Mitchener and I are going to be developing the blog in WordPress and our goal and commitment is to have it released on the mainpage of by next Sunday! Yowzers!

Alriight.. I think I’m gonna head off for the night ;). I’ve got a handful of projects to follow up on and then its time for some sleep!

Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold


3 responses to “Niche Marketing Overload!”

  1. Hey Jonathan,
    What a pleasant surprise :)

    Thanks for your kind words about me and my blog. Just on that short conversation we had, I’ve learned alot from you. Thanks for showing me your websites and sharing real tips.

    I really appreciate it.

    Talk to you soon.


  2. Thanks for stopping by Bo! It was great meeting you.. Glad I was able to share a little bit! :)

    Keep up the great work! Talk soon!


  3. Your girlfriend has great advice Jonathan ;) And wow, I love the sound of “virtual empire,” that just rings my bell. Hopefully mine will stand up in cyberspace somewhere close to all of yours. After all, natural people tend to be concerned about moldly things ;)

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