Had another great visit to the dentist office this past Friday, Dr. Thomas R. Peters and his staff are awesome! We spent some time checking out their new website at PortageDentist.com. Relaxed Dentistry, a Northwest Indiana Dentist office, has been in business for longer than I’ve been alive! That’s saying something ;).
We spent some time checking out their new website, the brilliant handiwork of Web Design Artist Dave Allen, and came up with a locations blurb to add to the front:
Dr. Thomas R. Peters, D.D.S. Relaxed Dentistry is proud to be serving Northwest Indiana and surrounding Chicagoland Areas, Lake County and Porter County, Portage, Chesterton, and Valparaiso.
They’ve been finishing up some really nice renovations of their office, so it was cool to be able to see that going on behind the scenes. Its amazing how much thought, time, energy, and effort goes into putting together a dental office! They put some some sweet pictures of their Northwest Indiana Dental Office over in the photo gallery. Check them out!
After I’d finished up at Dr. Peters’ office, I hopped in my car to drive back home. I turned the key.. Nothing. Ah man! I’d left the lights on! Fortunetely, it was a manual transmission.. I worked to start it up and after several unsuccessful attempts, walked sheepishly back into the office. I asked if there was anyone there who knew how to pop a clutch. Dr. Peters knew how and very kindly offered to help. We walked out, he put the car in nuetral, I pushed it along the driveway for a short distance, he started the car, and just a few moments later, I was on my way! Gotta keep an eye on those lights! ;)
And that’s just about that for now! My teeth have been all taken care of and I am a very happy camper! Keep up the awesome work Dr. Peters!
-Jonathan Wold
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