• Niche Project: Hawaiian Honey For Sale

    It all started over breakfast just about 2 weeks ago. “Hey! We should sell this online!” We talked about it for a few moments and, already completely convinced as to the quality and “sweetness” of our potential product, we decided to give it a go. We brainstormed some ideas and did our research and, a…

  • Life as a Freelance Web Developer

    Computers have been a part of my life for quite some time. At the age of 12 I had already built my first website. By 17, one of my best friends and I had taken on our first “official” web development project. By 19, I had caught an interest in something called “CSS” along with…

  • Trying Out pMetrics Premium Stats

    About a week ago, I was doing some casual searching for a stats tracking solution. I had been working on an idea for a way to monitor information across my entire network of websites from a single location. So far, while I had a few possibilities in mind, none of the programs out there quite…

  • Tutorial: How To Create A WordPress Theme

    After several months of work and delays, I’m happy to present a brand new tutorial for WordPress 2.x. This particular tutorial is an update from my original, written nearly 2 years ago, for WordPress 1.5. Take a look and be sure to let me know what you think! : ) Link: How To Build A…

  • Blog Redesign

    After several weeks of work here and there between freelance projects, I’ve finally been blessed with the opportunity to finish a much needed new design for my little blog. A huge thanks to all those who gave their feedback and support through the design process. For those of you reading this immediately after the update…