Getting Ready To Leave
In just 2 days I’ll be heading off for the Internet Marketing Main Event in Phoenix, AZ! I’m looking forward to that :). This weekend has been QUITE a weekend! We had a Youthcove Team Meeting on Sunday and, thanks to all the awesome people who showed up, it went very well. I saw firsthand,…
Subway, Adagio in G Minor, CSS, and Entities!
Yeah, I really outdo myself with those titles sometimes! ;). Well guys, today was really an incredible day. It was well rounded and balanced. I learned a lot, got quite a lot done, had fun, spent time with friends, and made some powerful decisions! First off, we’ll jump to right about lunch time. I’d been…
Joint Venture Brokering – Part 3
In Part 1 we learned the basics of Joint Venturing, including what a Joint Venture is and the 4 Winners we must have in a successful and sustainable joint venture. We also got a bit hungry for strawberries ;). In Part 2 we learned about the two paths a successful JV Broker must follow and…
Joint Venture Brokering – Part 2
In Part 1 of our series on JV (Joint Venture) Brokering we were reminded that there are only two things you can ever do to make money online and we learned that WE didn’t have to do either! We learned what a joint venture is and then talked about the 4 Winners you MUST have…
Matt Geri
Now there’s an interesting blog title.. That title was sparked by a conversation between myself and my good friend and business partner, Matt Geri. You see, when you search for Matt Geri on, you find that his website is, as of this writing, number one for the term. Snugly wrapped into second place is…