Portland – Night on the town!

Got quite a bit of work done tonight and then Ted and I went out to see the city of Portland by night. I grabbed a ton of photos and here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!

I’m quite happy with how a lot of the shots turned out.. I can’t wait till I get my Digital Rebel ;). These were taken on a 3.2 Megapixel Fujifilm Finepix, which is the camera that belongs to my awesome girlfriend! She’s loaning it to me ;). Thanks dear!

So that’s that.. I’m heading off “early” so I can get an early start on tomorrow. Got SO much stuff to do and I’m finally and surely but slowly catching up! Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Step:

Slowly catching up on stuff and taking care of a bunch of emails ;)… still more to go!

P.S. A good friend of mine has put an AWESOME book online for free! If you’ve ever had any questions about credit cards, both as an adult or even as a teenager, this book can answer many of ’em for you. I have a personally autographed copy and its helped me out a lot! Check the site out at http://www.freecreditmillionaire.com!


2 responses to “Portland – Night on the town!”

  1. Digital Rebels Rule!

    Thanks Donna for the free credit book!

    Brian Watkins

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Those are awesome pictures Jonathan! I’m glad you are enjoying yourself there!


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