Real Estate Closings, French Cafes, and the Backstreet Boys

Oh yeahh.. there’s a title ;). I’m just wrapping up a lonnng day and its time to do some writing! So much to write about and I can already hear my bed calling! Tonight that time has been determined by necessity. I’ll be on the road at 6, driving out to meet Paulie from where we’ll carpool into Chicago, eat breakfast, and a little before noon, I’ll be dropping him off at the airport. From there, he and Donna will be taking off for a couple of weeks on a cruise and then off to an event called the ‘Big Seminar’. Paulie Sabol and Donna Fox are two very wonderful mentors of mine who’ve played a huge part in my life over the past year. I got my ‘start’, if you will, working with them last summer as an intern. Together with Matt Geri, who was also an intern last summer and has since become one of my closest friends, we learned a ton from Paulie and Donna.

Matt and I spent about 2-3 months with Paulie and Donna last summer, before each taking off on our seperate ways. I went on to finish up 3 more internships, for a psychiatrist, a musician, and an internet marketer, while Matt moved back to Ireland and his family. We stayed in contact and kept working hard and, a year later in June of 2005, we were invited back to work with Paulie and Donna again on some new projects of theirs. And so we did! Four months later, Matt is out in South Africa, teaching at a school (check out his blog for more!) and I’m here in Northwest Indiana. I’m planning to stick around till about the middle of December, at which point I’ll be hitting the road again, traveling around the country for a bit before meeting up with Matt again in January to spend 2 weeks up in Tahoe, California together. I’m looking forward to it!

So yes ;). Paulie and Donna are two wonderful entrepreneurs who’ve accomplished a LOT over the years. I’ll be sharing more about them and about some of their accomplishments over the next few weeks.. look forward to it!

Today was my first experience with Real Estate Closings! I got to sit in as Paulie and Donna finished up a real estate deal of theirs.. Wow! Talk about a lot of paperwork! After some introductions, meeting the buyer, the closing agent, and the loan officer, I sat down to watch the action. Swish.. that was the sound of another document flying across the table saying “Sign me!”. Well, he got signed, as well as 20 or so others and after the really cool closing agent had taken care of it all, we were off! It was quite an experience.. Before we left, Donna took some time to go over some of the paperwork with me and explain the numbers. There are a lot of complexities involved! It makes me all the more happy that I’m an internet marketer and, at the same time, all the more eager to continue building up my virtual empire.

Ah yes! And if you’d checked up on me just a few hours earlier, you’d have found me sitting around a table in a delightful little french cafe called Bon Femme.. or something like that ;). It was an awesome little place, with no two tables being the same. The food was excellent! I had a vegan lentil soup, and then had it again, really really yummy, especially to a hungry growing boy!

And last but not least for the evening.. we’ve got.. the backstreet boys! Ok well, not exactly.. ;). I was doing some surfing and found this really uhmm.. well.. you’ve just have to check it out for yourself!.. Backstreet fan or not, its a must see ;).. Check out the Backstreet Boys!

Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold


5 responses to “Real Estate Closings, French Cafes, and the Backstreet Boys”

  1. Can’t wait for Tahoe! It is gonna be awesome!

    – Matt

  2. heh. cute (backstreet boys)

    well sounds like you’ve got a lot to look forward to this year!


  3. That’s really cool about the real estate closing Jonathan, especially since Donna took the time to explain it all to you. That must have been a great experience for you =D

  4. Ah, yes! There’s nothing quite like a real estate closing — especially your first one. I remember mine. Sounds like yours was well handled, though.

  5. Thanks for dropping by Matt, Heidi, Kristen, and Bob!

    Great seeing you guys again and, in Bob’s case, for the first time ;).

    Thanks for your comments!


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