Ever have one of those? Things just don’t seem to work out for you? I know how ya feel ;). I’ve had a lot of those.. *smiles*..
I can’t complain though. I have awesome friends and family.. I have a girlfriend who supports me through everything and puts up with me, even when I’m a real pain ;). Me? A pain? Yup.. only on special occasions though ;).
Otherwise things have been going well. Had a brief phone conversation with my good friend Josiah Mackenzie this afternoon.. He had a domain name for sale which I found and called him about.. He’d never heard my phone before though, so it took him a bit by surprise ;). He’s a really nice young man.. Get to know him as you have the chance, he’s gonna be one really successful entrepreneur as time goes by.
And that’s JUST about that! I ran a post on Youthcove about a bunch of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Check it out here:
Its an excerp from my “Basics of Niche Marketing” article :).
Alright guys, have an awesome night!
-Jonathan Wold
P.S. My good friend Mandy Fintel started up a blog recently. Its a great read, to the point and powerful. Go check it out and make SURE you say hi!
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