Now that’s a title my friends. And today was certainly a day. Not to say that yesterday wasn’t a day as well, but today was DEFINITELY a day.
It could have been because I only had one hour of sleep last night. Paulie headed off to Las Vegas to attend a seminar and I went with him to the bus stop around 4:30 in the morning so that I could take the car (ford explorer, to be exact) back to the house. Trick was I didn’t get to bed till 3 ;). Ah well, no regrets! *smiles*..
So I get back and decide to go ahead and stay up. Finally, Matt wakes up.. We decide to go running! And so there we are, just around 7 AM, two boys in pretty sad shape, huffing and puffing their way over the paved obstacle course which makes the mile loop around our neighborhood. Yup, we survived. My legs were burning.
Our friend Joey came on by in the afternoon. We gathered around the family table and busted out a 4-way game of TienLen (13) and then Joey taught us how to play Spades. It was a lot of fun.. I schooled ’em all at 13 and then Matt and Mandy pulled a nice 2 in a row win over Joey and I at spades. It was quite fun!
And then it was off to town to run some errands :). Not too much exciting stuff there.. I bought a new shirt and some shampoo! Matt bought.. ahh yess.. Matt bought some clippers ;). And not just ANY clippers, he bought some electric clippers.
So, we come home.. and its haircut time! Go check out the results over on Matt Geri’s blog ;).
Then we went outside to play some basketball.. We’ve both gotten QUITE good! I’m proud of ourselves! 20 minutes later found us inside.. slashing at each other with wet shirts :P.. … ouch.. Another 10 minutes and a bunch of bright red marks later, we decided to call a truce. No one ever really wins those.. ah well ;).
OH yes.. and, of course.. who can forget internet marketing!
I finally decided to call it a night on my article, I’ve finished up the first 4 pages and I’m quite happy with how its going :). Yeah, I’m working on an article.. the working title so far is – “The Secrets of Niche Marketing: How to Find Your Own Market”.. Not impressed with it yet, we’ll see what I can do ;).
Looking forward to putting that out tomorrow! I’ve got a bunch of stuff to wrap up in the morning, including work for the summer project, then we’re going to head to town and pick up some movies to complete an “assignment” Paulie has given us, and THEN we’re off to.. The Beach!!
We’ll get some pictures if possible ;).
Alright World, Off I go! Have an incredible evening!
-Jonathan Wold
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