
Its almost midnight and I am soo exhausted.. but I can’t forget my journal!.. *smiles*..

Today was a really good day.. another good day :). Got nearly everything on my list done, and it was quite a list!

I put a bunch of work into Hostingfrog this morning, got the startup blog updated and rolling with a post on server backups. I also took care of a bunch of emails I’d been putting off, so that was really cool :).

My experiences in LA have been really really good so far. I’ve been eating extremely well, thanks to Amae, I’ve been getting back into the entrepreneurial groove of things, and I’m loving it!

One of the next big things I’ve taken up is..

I’m learning more about CSS!

I started an eBook this afternoon on designing sites without tables using CSS. For those of you unfamiliar with all that, it basically means that as a web designer, I’m putting a bunch of extra effort into improving my abilities. Sure, eventually I’ll have others doing the work.. but when its something I truly enjoy.. why?

Besides, its just good to KNOW that stuff. I’m going to become a master at CSS.. it’ll help a ton as I do work on my own stuff AND on stuff for clients.

I’m also improving my artistic abilities!

Art is something I’ve found that I’m enjoying more and more lately.. I’m slowly taking it up again! I’ve decided that its time to start investing more into my own abilities and improving the value that I’m able to give back into my businesses and into any other ventures I undertake.

So I’m going to be working on some paintings very soon and I’ll be showing you guys as that happens.

I spent a little work on this fun painting this even, based off of some ideas I got in a tutorial online ;). Check it out!

Pretty wild eh? I kinda like it.. not sure what it IS but I like it :). That was done entirely in Photoshop, no 3D modelers were injured in the making of this drawing ;).

I think one of the next things I get will be a WACOM table.. which is a tablet that lets you ‘draw’ into your computer. All the work I’ve done so far involves using the mouse, which limits your abilities and doesn’t allow for pressure sensitivity in your paintings.

To see more, check out my artwork section on

Alright, that’s about a wrap.. time for this young man to get some SERIOUS sleep!

OH yes, and be sure to check out Jessi Abela’s blog! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of promoting that girl ;).. Well.. maybe tomorrow.. *grins*.. Check it out and send her some comments!

Alright, off to bed I go! Goodnight world and Happy Sabbath!


Daily Action Step:

Starting an eBook and KNOWING that I’m going to FINISH it :)


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