Subway, Adagio in G Minor, CSS, and Entities!

Yeah, I really outdo myself with those titles sometimes! ;). Well guys, today was really an incredible day. It was well rounded and balanced. I learned a lot, got quite a lot done, had fun, spent time with friends, and made some powerful decisions!

First off, we’ll jump to right about lunch time. I’d been a good day so far, I got up a bit late around 7:30, showered, had worship, ate breakfast, the works. Around 9 or so my girlfriend got online for a few minutes and we were able to talk.. That was really cool! I miss her a lot! There’s a strong chance we may be able to do some traveling together towards the end of the year and I’m reallly looking forward to that! I love you beautiful! :)

And then it was lunchtime. Over the past few days I’ve been breaking my pizza habbit and working on something healthier.. Subway! There’s a very nice Subway shop in a great location just a mile or so from my place. I go in, order my foot long veggie with all the works, and then sit down in the back. After lunch, I go into my brainstorming session! That’s been REALLY powerful for me. Each day I spend about 30 minutes or so just solidly brainstorming new ideas or refocusing old ones. It’s been a very rewarding practice and I intend to keep it up. I dunno, something about the positive atmosphere (food does that to you!) sitting in a window feeling the warm sun, open notebook in front of you and ideas just flowing from your pen. Its the coffee shop equivalent for a non-coffee drinker ;).

And then, my mind full of fresh ideas and my stomach full of food, I drove home, happy and satisfied. They were playing a rather odd song on the country music station.. *chuckles*.. So I switched around for a few moments.. and then.. I heard it..

I recognized that piece! I wound up on a local classical station and as I parked the car in the driveway, I sat, and just listened. It was an absolutely beautiful piece, and I didn’t know the name! I waited till the end, hoping to hear it.. but no! It’s never that easy..

I ran inside and grabbed the phone. The piece still fresh in mind, I rang my good friend Brian back in California and proceeded to hum it for him. Uhm.. nothing. I did get some rather fighting wordish comments about my ‘beautiful voice’.. but he didn’t know the piece. He recommended I look up the station online and proceeded to dig it up for me himself. A moment or so later I was typing away, searching on Google for the local stations. What station was it?! I ran out to the car.. 90.7! Ah ha! Should be simple now!

I thanked Brian and, after looking up “90.7 Indiana” on Google and heading to the first result, I hung up on him to call, satisfied that my search was over. “Hello, WPSR.” I smiled, “Yes, hello there!” I proceeded to explain my situation in great detail. 30 seconds or so later, disappointment and I was off the phone.

..Wrong station. They play oldies.. but not THAT old.

No problem! I called up the local NPR (National Public Radio) Affiliate in Chicago. They ALSO have a 90.7 station. 2 minutes later and a nice conversation with the older lady I was off the phone again. Wrong station. They’re a repeater for the newscast.

I went back out to the car, looking for a clue.

There it was! The song was playing AGAIN! I raced inside, turned on the house radio and waited. Yeah, the guy came on and announced the piece. Uhm.. I had NO clue what he said. If you’ve ever heard a classical music announcer, you’ll know what I mean. They have the pronunciation down.. so well infact that you have no clue what they’ve just said. Something old, though.

Well, I wasn’t giving up now. I did a bit more research and I FINALLY found it! I called up the guy and after a few moments of amusement at my expense as I explained the situation, he looked over the playlist and yup, sure enough, they’d played it twice! It’d just been performed by different orchestrations. Alright, ready for the piece?

Oh yeah ;).

Adagio in G minor for Strings and Organ, composed by Tomaso Albinoni

Yeah. I was happy :).

Alright, moving along. I had a really good talk with my friend Joshua yesterday and we spent the evening working on servers and table layouts, while discussing CSS and other fun stuff. We were up till about 12, and then I went to bed. I challenged him to rebuild a site we’d been working on and to rebuild it entirely in CSS and XHTML within a month. See, he’d just been working on learning both of them and had started strong on CSS only last night. This afternoon he sent me a link. I visit it and Lo and Behold! Joshua had rebuilt the entire thing in CSS and XHTML! I was very impressed.. and very surprised! He did a great job with it. Not long after that Joshua came up with an idea that turned into something really powerful.. I’ve asked him to present it at the Youthcove Team Meeting this Sunday.. I look forward to it :).

And finally.. I’ve come up with my next web project. It’s actually something I’d been working on for awhile, but didn’t really consider to be a full scale project. My next web project is going to be a website about entities. Thanks to Mari from Youthcove for putting it fresh on my mind! I’d been putting it off for awhile ;). I’m creating a website with guides and tutorials on choosing the right entities and setting one up for yourself, or choosing the right service to do it for you. I’ll be looking forward to working on that! Thanks to my mom for inspiring me the first time around! Love you mom! :)

And that’s that! I’m off for the weekend! We’re having Church at the beach tomorrow and I’m really excited about that! I wish you guys an awesome weekend!

-Jonathan Wold


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