Summer’s Movin’ Fast!

Summer’s well underway and going strong! Today was another long day and wow did we sure get a lot done! Ok, so we didn’t get a WHOLE lot done, but by any of my old standards we sure did. Matt and I have been working hard on our latest projects together and we’ve been enjoying it. Well, enjoying that and our games of basketball spread out throughout the day ;).

Things have been going very well and I’ve already been learning quite a bit!

I’ve also been getting to bed quite late, and that’s gotta change soon.. I’m DEFINITELY a morning person, I’ve proved that time and time again. Ah well, it’s only a matter of time :). Matt and I have still been getting settled in over here.

Alright, its way past midnight and I’m due some sleep.. so the big post I’ve been working on will just have to wait a bit longer ;).

Take care guys! You’ll be hearing from me soon!



One response to “Summer’s Movin’ Fast!”

  1. Glad to hear you’re doing well, Jonathan! Basketball is a great break from computer work. :)

    Yeah, I need to start getting to bed earlier too….

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