Sunless Yet Sunny Day At The Beach

My good friend Matt Geri is heading home to spend time with his family in Ireland this Monday. He’s gonna be gone for just over a month and a half and I’m definitely gonna miss him. Today we spent some time together hitting the electronics stores and buying absolutely nothing, which seems to be a past time of ours ;).

After grabbing a pizza and a box of blueberry, poppyseed, and chocolate muffins at Costco, Matt and I headed back to the apartment, dropped off the food, grabbed some towels and flip flops, hopped back into the car, and headed off in the blinding rain too…

The Beach!

20 minutes later, one or two missed exits, a beautiful drive down a tree covered back road, and a few jokes about going to the waterpark found us finally on the shoreline of Lake Michigan, just inside the Indiana Dunes State Park. We hopped outta the car, grabbed a frisbee and a bouncy ball, and headed off for 3 hours on the beach!

We had a lot of fun :). We played Frisbee, skipped stones, half drowned each other during frantic scrambles for the floating bouncy ball, and all around just had a great time. We also spent some time talking about our plans for the future.. We’ve both gone a long ways, yet we’ve still got such a long ways to go.

It was a great day at the beach! Tomorrow we’re going to be working our butts off, signing up for hundreds of affiliate programs for the huge network of sites we’ve been working on over the summer.. THAT will be quite an experience ;). Not really looking forward to it but I am looking forward to seeing the results.

Speaking of results.. I sold my first product through my blog today! If you read back a bit through my posts you find stuff about Jonathan H a i r p r o d u c t s. I still get about 50-100 hits a day to my site for that and 2 days ago after putting up a link to Amazon’s listing of his products, I made a sale! That was awesome ;).

Alright, off to bed I go! Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold


One response to “Sunless Yet Sunny Day At The Beach”

  1. congrats on your first sale, hope you have more..

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