Tonight’s one of those night’s I don’t really ‘feel’ like blogging but that’s only a minor setback and with so many things to say those feelings will just have to deal with it ;).
Its getting really cold out here in Northwest Indiana. I went out to a late lunch around 4:00 PM and was greeted with a flurry of non-sticking snow flakes. Today was one of those rather dismal looking days where the sun seems to have become bored with this side of the country as a whole and is content with hiding from view, leaving the air especially unwarmed.
I finished formatting and uploading the OREOs product (mentioned in my previous post) a few hours ago after a number of technical frustrations that threatened to pop a few gray hairs in my head. I decided that’d be ok though.. you wouldn’t be able to see a few strands through all the rest of the hair on my head ;).
Just a few days back I had the pleasure of chatting with Yaro Starak of He’s a very bright young man, easy to talk too, and has a nice australian accent ;). Check out his site and look at his picture.. You’d guess that we share hair styling tips and techniques.. *grins*..
Yaro and I talked about doing a podcast interview together on one of my favorite little topics.. Niche Marketing! My audio connection wasn’t much to speak of so a few clicks over to Amazon, a few minutes shopping, 2 days later, and I’ve got a brand new head set at my door just itching to be tried out. I’ll update you guys on how that works out :).
Today feels like it could have easily been 2 days.. In addition to finishing up the bulk of the OREOs product today, I put together an order for 100 articles to be written to provide content for a few of my site networks. I’ve been extremely impressed with the quality of the writers I’ve been working with and if it continues to go well I’ll be ordering a lot more :).
And that’s just about that! Tomorrow is my sump pumps day, if all goes well, and also a day to start working on the remake of! I’m looking forward to that ;).
Goodnight World!
-Jonathan Wold
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