Visit from my brothers :)

And so suddenly out of nowhere.. my little brothers show up! They live about 3 hours south of here and needed to return something to Costco. With mom just about pregnant and my stepdad staying with her, they needed an “adult” to go to Costco with them so they could get in. We got together, spent a bit of time shopping, stopped at another store to meet a friend of mine, and then wound our way back to the apartment.

We’ve been having a LOT of fun, playing TienLen (13) into the night.. its awesome ;).

Tomorrow is going to be a rather serious work day to make up for all the fun we’ve been having.. hehe..

I’ve decided to devote an hour of every week day to Youthcove, starting with my hour this afternoon. Its something that is very important to me and deserves my attention.. Youthcove has so many incredible young people with so much potential, the very least I can do is spend time with them.. I get so much from the community, I get inspiration, motivation, ideas, and best of all, friends. Its something I wouldn’t trade for anything and something that deserves my time.

So, off I go to finish the night off with my friends and family, and then off to a big work day tomorrow!

Goodnight World!



One response to “Visit from my brothers :)”

  1. Hey baby! sounds like a very good idea. I’m so proud of you for all the things you do. I love you sooo much Jonathan Wold Keep up your awesome work!

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