Can you believe it? 2005 is just about gone! Its the 9th of December now and wow.. Its hard for me to believe that the year’s just about gone!
Yesterday, after finally catching up with Matt after his return from a one week vacation, I verified our plans and then purchased our season passes for the Heavenly Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe. Less than a month left before we start cruising the slopes!
Next I’ll be buying our gear, which will include everything but the board, boots, and bindings, which we’re gonna go ahead and just rent this year around. It’s gonna be a lot of fun!
This will be one of my first real vacations.. *smiles*.. Matt and I have worked really hard the past year and we’ve earned it. I’m looking forward to a lot of fun and then, as we wrap things up in Tahoe, some serious planning and preparation to take on 2006.
And on that note, its time to take off for the weekend! Paulie’s off to Orlando Florida for the Internet Marketing and Joint Venture Super Conference, where we’ll be speaking. Go get ’em Paulie! On our way to the airport last night, Paulie and I got a strong taste of Chicago weather, pulling in between 8-10 inches of snow and leaving us stuck in traffic for over 3 hours. Yikes. Enjoy the Florida weather :).
Alright guys! Have yourselves an awesome weekend! Looking forward to next week :).
-Jonathan Wold
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