Just got off the phone with my younger brother Joshua.. We had a great talk, albeit a long one.. poor guy had to put up with me for a good 2 hours there :P. It was really cool to catch up though.. I haven’t seen him since last June and I’m looking forward to seeing him and the rest of the family this upcoming May.
So! Its the end of my first whole week here in the beautiful state of Oregon! I’ve really enjoyed my time thus far and I’m looking forward to the rest of my stay before heading on out again.
..Ya know, there are some weeks that can seem just so very long and stressful.. this has definitely been one of those for me.. and the trick is that you just have to look past all that. You have to look at what you HAVE accomplished.. the things that you CAN be proud of.. and then learn from all the rest. Learn and then move on to the next week.. and that’s what I’m doing :).
I’ve been very very blessed and I sure can’t complain.. I’ve got so many incredible friends who I see myself sometimes taking for granted. Don’t let yourself EVER do that.. each of you have some amazing people in your life.. do they know that you appreciate them? Do they know how much you care about them?
What if you just called up one of your friends out of nowhere and thanked them for all that they’ve done.. maybe even just leave ’em a message.. thank them for everything and for being just a blessing to you in your life. Wouldn’t that make your day?
I’d like to stop for a moment and throw out props to my good friend James Coombs. He’s been a huge support to me over the past few weeks.. He’s even more optimistic about things than I am and its awesome. He’s full of energy and he has a great heart. Youthcove wouldn’t be the same without him :). Thanks for all you’ve done James!
..in other news..
Ted and I went out and played BASKETBALL today.. *smiles*..
I think my man Ted is starting to feel his age a bit.. He turned 41 this week and despite today’s loss, I know he’s far from out of it.. *smiles*.. We had an awesome game and the excersise was great for both of us.. I’m looking forward to round 5 on Sunday ;).
And with that, this week is closed! Quick! A shot from my office window!

Alright, off to bed I go.. I’ve got some major work coming up on Sunday and I’m looking forward to getting some serious rest tomorrow. I’ve also got some stuff I’ve begun work on for Youthcove.. *smiles*.. its still top secret and in a few days I’m going to start bringing more people into the project.. I’m very excited about it.. *smiles again*.. hehe..
Goodnight World! :)
-Jonathan Wold
Daily Action Step:
Getting through the week in one piece ;).
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