Annnd he’s back!

Goood evening everyone! Today was an awesome day :). Woke up this morning still a tad bummed from last night and VERY tired.. and I decided to get up and stay up anyway! Took a shower, had worship, grabbed some breakfast, had a brief chat with my business partner Matt Geri and I was off with my day!

Just a few minutes in I got a call from Adam Gaynor, form band member of Matchbox20. He’s getting ready to launch a new website and I’ve been able to help a bit here and there with some of the details. Adam’s an awesome guy, has a real genuine care for what he does and it shows in his work. Its been a priviledge getting to know him and I look forward to helping in anyway that I can.

After that I played catch up with my emails and took care of a back log from over the weekend.. No, didn’t completely take care of it yet for those still waiting (tomorrow Yoyo!) but I’ll get there :).

Thed I had a look at my phonebill! I was charged a whopping $80 dollars for last month.. which to me, is quite a big deal! Apparently I was 130+ messages over my text messaging limit and err.. well.. that just wasn’t cool. I have this really handy feature on my phone where I can use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) while I’m away and I didn’t know that it counted each message sent towards my message limit. So I talked with one of the friendly support reps and she was able to help me out. I DID ask for a refund.. but I don’t push things, I like being nice.. she said that she couldn’t refund me and instead offered me bonus minutes. That then lead into a chat about my plans for travel to New Zealand and whether or not I would be keeping my contract going ;). So we started talking about contracts! And here’s where it gets good.. by the end of the conversation I was on a new contract, but this time it was 23 dollars a month cheaper! Exact same plan, exact same service, just happened to be that they were running a promotion and she was willing to switch my account over.

..You know I could have just ignored it all and paid the bill. I could have also just cut the conversation off after getting the no.. The trick is sticking to it and being willing to ask! You’ve got NOTHING to lose! :)

Speaking of nothing to lose.. how about a free iPod? If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s a very fast rundown. is a LEGITIMATE website that.. you guessed it.. is giving away free iPods! Now hold up.. nothing’s REALLY free.. and you’re right :). The catch? You’ve gotta sign up for one of their offers (I signed up for Blockbuster and it cost me 9 bucks, so much for free) and THEN refer 5 friends and get them to do the same. You’re getting a 250 dollar product though, I’d say its worth it ;).

Now from the company’s perspective.. how is it worth it? Well.. MANY people will get all fired up.. they’ll even refer a few of their friends.. and then they stop! They get a few people into the system and never finish it. On top of that, they have every right to sell all the information that they recieve from you.. so do keep that in mind if you decide to give it a go. Targeted information is highly sought after these days and companies are willing to pay big bucks for it.

If you’re interested in more, check out my buddy Matt Geri’s free macintosh stuff blog for more details! It takes a bit of work, but you can get some nice stuff :).

AND that’s just about that. Oh yes, something else for all of you to check out:

Incredible Dancing and Singing

..Hehe.. make SURE you check that out and let me know what you think ;). Creds to my buddy Jerett of for the heads up! ;)

Goodnight World!

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Steps:

Starting my day on the right foot and seeing it through! :) .. getting the first draft for the top secret new venture finished up ;).


7 responses to “Annnd he’s back!”

  1. lol, Love the maehheee maeahaaa website… SOOO FUNNY. lol. Keep up the good work bro!

  2. Awesome Jonathan! How did you initially get networked with Adam?

    I found that video a while ago and I actually got addicted to the song! I let it loop for like 16 hours in a row while working!

    Brian Watkins

  3. I was networked with Adam through some work I did for his sister, a very talented artist and teacher.

    Always remember to do your best, even when its something small.. you never know when it will pay off :).

    And YEAH that song is addictive! I’ve let it look for a few hours myself.. hehe! I’d like to find out more about that guy!


  4. Ah yes… I knew about the free Ipods deal, and although it’s a great concept there is one problem with it. only for people in the USA *sighs*. If it wasnt I would now have around 3 or 4 mac minis. :-P

    – James

  5. That video is hilarious! Thanks for the link….

  6. Yeah, I was thinking about that.. that’s quite a bummer James. You could just move on over to the states and we could get you qualified! Hehe ;)

    Glad you liked the video Josiah! =D


  7. That video is funny, and that song IS addicting!

    …and congratulations on everything that happened to you (Adam Gaynor, new cell phone plan), you deserve it ;)

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