Welll.. today was QUITE a day! Its 1:12 in the morning and the night is still not over for me so you’ll have to excuse the slight case of haziness that I’m currently suffering from.
Today was a very very good work day.. Ted and I both got a LOT of stuff done in the morning, working hard on a bunch of websites, testing and retesting advertising strategies and fine tuning all around. And thenn.. I spotted a break in the rain and it was time for some..
Ted and I had an awesome game of 21.. He was kicking some serious butt.. for an old guy ;). He had me down all the way till the end! I shot over 16 freethrows and made.. hmm.. 2 :P. It was quite sad.. at the very end, though.. I made a few shots when it mattered, caught up, and snuck through with a win..
..and then we started playing ;).
Ted and I “practiced” for about an hour and it was awesome! He showed me a bunch of tricks and we just went for it.. We’re both getting better and better and.. I’m looking forward to the next game.. *grins*..
And THEN.. it was time to make some movies! We’re going to test adding video to a few of our sites to see what kind of results we get. With the help of the lovely Miss Laura.. we assembled our crew and got to work!
First things first.. you’ve gotta..

Next.. we setup the equipment! I worked my magic and got the laptop singing.. We setup our start-of-the-art portable work station and we were humming!
Then, some final movements.. We double checked all the lighting, readjusted the workstation positioning and we’re nearly ready for production!
Sound and lighting tests.. actress in place.. we’re live!
Have a great evening and God Bless!
-Jonathan Wold
Daily Action Step:
Taking the stage and singing my heart out ;).
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