Three Huge Days In One! – Matt, James, and Joslyn!
I’ve had a LOT of stuff going on over in my life right now, one of the big things being that I’m in the process of finishing my move! I’m moving into a bigger apartment! I’ve taken a bunch of pictures and I’ll be putting those up soon, as well as updating you guys on…
Cash Advance Goodness and Niche Marketing
And today I’m proud to launch another mini-site of mine, mycashinfo.com. She’s still in her baby stages so look forward to watching her grow ;). For those of you visiting through the search engines and looking for information on Cash Advances, here are a few of the article topics and brief snippets. When To Use…
Wow.. Wrapping Up The Year
Can you believe it? 2005 is just about gone! Its the 9th of December now and wow.. Its hard for me to believe that the year’s just about gone! Yesterday, after finally catching up with Matt after his return from a one week vacation, I verified our plans and then purchased our season passes for…
Fighting Off A Cold!
Yes I’m fighting off sickness and I’m doing well! Lots of water, airborne, and cayenne, works wonders! Through that I’ve been working more on JonathanWold.com and, today, put a LOT of work and FINISHED up my ‘lightning guide to making money with blogs’. The first copy is available exclusively to the purchases of my first…
Wrapping up the week!
Wow.. what a day! Around 10 AM this morning my first information product went live on the warrior forum! As of 4:30 this evening 14 of the 35 copies have been sold :). You can check the offer out yourself by clicking here. I learned a lot from that! First of all, the biggest lesson…