Nothing really big to talk about today :). ‘Twas a day of rest for me. Got up around 8:30, took a shower, got ready and Amae took me to church. I missed breakfast, which was kind of a bummer, but ‘sall good! Had lunch at church, was very blessed by the sermon, and made my way home around 3 PM.
After a short nap my brother Joshua gave me a call from on the road in Reno. The family is moving back east! We talked for awhile and he gave me an update on how he’s doing and we had a really nice talk.
Had a good talk with Matt as well this evening. He’s taking up Photoshop and CSS and he’s doing very well! I’m very proud of him, looking forward to seeing his work!
I have an idea for a new version of Youthcove.. Matt and his simplicity in design have inspired me. We’ll see how that goes. Tomorrow I’ll be working really hard on Amae’s site.. finishing up with the design so that I can start on the CSS. That’s gonna be QUITE a bit of work :).
Had a really good talk with Victor tonight! He’s taking big steps forward in his fitness business. If anyone’s interested in taking fitness seriously and being involved in some of his programs as he gets things going, let me know and I’ll connect you with him. Victor’s an awesome guy :).
And I had a great talk with my friend Brian Lumsden evening. We talked about a bunch of stuff and then I introduced him to my girlfriend! Hehe.. that was a lot of fun. Then he went off to bed and I spent some time with my girl, catching up and just talking. She’s awesome! :)
Goodnight world!
-Jonathan Wold
Daily Action Step:
Just taking it easy :). Getting up at 8:30 even if I didn’t totally feel like it and not regretting it one bit.
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