Just going through the list

Last night I made a list of the things to do today and so, after getting about 5 hours of sleep and waking up to my brother’s melodious voice over my phone.. ha.. *smiles*.. I was up and at ’em. Shower, worship, breakfast, and an hour later, and I was flying through my day!

I started off taking care of a few client sites. I don’t make a lot of money from it right now, but I get great experience. It was very rewarding this morning to have taken an entire list of requests and to then build the page just how they requested, AND make it look good, all within a half hour. It was very nice to get the positive feedback as well :).

..Been doing a lot of thinking lately..

In between all the work I did over the course of the day, I’ve been thinking.

..I’ve been thinking about Youthcove. Communities are such an absolutely amazing thing. The fact that people from all around the world can be together in one place, exchanging ideas and information, and just “being” there.. its amazing. Youthcove is still so young, and so new.. it has so much potential.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes with Youthcove. Though I knew from the beginning how absolutely important it was to have a team and even though I tried, it hadn’t really sunk in for me. As Youthcove has passed its 6th month of existence, that’s very real for me. I’ve had so many great projects planned, so many ideas for things that we could do, and then nothing happened. Why? ‘cuz I didn’t have the time to make things happen myself, and we didn’t have the team. Its a tough lesson to learn, but a powerful and important one.

…Mmm.. so much to learn.. it really hits me how young I am at times like this ;). I’ve been very blessed with my experiences, with the amazing people that I’ve come into contact with, and with all the things I’ve learned. Yet there is still SOO so much..

Arr, my eyes hurt.. *smiles*.. I’m heading off to bed ;). Josh and I had a great talk this evening, he’s an awesome young man. Be sure to check out his blog and say hi!

Goodnight world! ;)

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Step:

Taking my list and getting things done, EVEN if they were boring and EVEN if I didn’t REALLY wanna do them.. I sat through it and I got them DONE!


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