BOOya that was a lot of work! Check out the latest issue of the Newsletter! Its not the prettiest that it could be, but I put some serious work into it! Anyone interested in redesigning it (with simplicity in mind) let me know ;).
I did another painting today! This time its another flower for Amae’s site. I don’t like it QUITE as much as the last one I did, but its still cool! Check it out!

And that’s just about a wrap! OH yeah.. I launched a $50 Investment Contest on Youthcove today! I’m looking for some young entrepreneurs who can come up with a plan to invest some of my, and my friend/business partner Matt Geri‘s money. Check it out here for more details!
Alright, I’m off to bed! I’m going to make myself go and play basketball tomorrow. I must give my eyes a rest!
Goodnight world! :)
-Jonathan Wold
Daily Action Step:
Finishing another painting! :) ..Ohh yes.. and launching the newsletter!
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