• 523 Days of Cold Showers

    A minute passes. I’m still standing in place, my mind wandering. I feel the cold water on my toes – I’ve gotten used to that by now. I’m not just not quite ready to step in. I know I will. I also know I can turn the water off (or to warm) and stop this…

  • The First Month

    It’s been a month since going solo. A lot has happened! I’ve learned lessons, worked through challenges, and celebrated wins. Time for a recap! Lessons Learned Several lessons stand out in this month’s experience: “Flow” is a state that can be consistently achieved My sweet spot is the contrast of a clear long-term mission against…

  • Going Solo

    Going Solo

    After 4 ½ years in the agency world I’m stepping out to start a company of one. These years have been amazing. I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some of my closest friends, people who I admire and respect deeply. And, in the midst of a number of what I consider “once in a…

  • 500 days of pushups

    Today is the 500th day in a row that I’ve completed at least a set (and nearly always 4 sets) of pushups. No exception, rain or shine, sick or healthy, on the ground, or in the air. When I started out I could barely do a single pushup. At my peak near the end of…

  • Experimenting with early mornings

    I’m on Day #9 of a new tiny habit, which I’m tracking as “Prepare tomorrow morning’s routine (set out clothes if needed, water, etc)”. Prompted by a few friends a few weeks back, I sped-read through a book called Miracle Morning and decided that it was time to give early mornings a try again. I’ve historically…