• CaboPress 2018

    It was the last night in Cabo. There I was, sitting on the patio after dinner, breathing in cigar smoke, listening to snippets of a conversation, then jumping into another, laughing hard with the group as we shared stories, enjoying drinks, and just taking it all in. It felt surreal and perfect. It was clear…

  • How To Write Proposals Via Email – Creating Clients Episode #4

    In this episode we start with a recap of episode #3 (How To Start Conversations With Potential Clients) and then dive right in to the two principles of writing proposals via email. Then we look at the 7 elements of a proposal and explore each element in detail. Episode Highlights Anything that can be misunderstood will…

  • How To Start Conversations With Potential Clients – Creating Clients Episode #3

    In this episode we start with a recap of the last episode and cover the three principles of connection in further detail. Then we look at three different strategies for starting conversations with potential clients. Episode Highlights As counterinuitive as it may seem, our motive in starting conversations should not be about getting new clients.. After all, you…

  • Creating Great Client Relationships – Creating Clients Episode #2

    In this week’s episode I pick up from last week, recap the four steps in creating great client relationships, then explore the first step – connecting – in greater detail. I review the three principles of connection and share several examples from my own experience. Episode Highlights A connection is the intentional first spark of a long-term…

  • Introduction – Creating Clients Episode #1

    This week’s episode serves as the introduction to the “Creating Clients” podcast. In this first episode I introduce myself, share a bit about my experience, and then dive right into explaining the concept of “creating clients”. Episode Highlights The best clients are those that are created in meaningful, impactful conversations that get to the heart of…