And Another Week Bites The Dust
Hmm.. sounds like a good song title. Yeah.. I could make that work ;). Let’s not though, the work week is over! It’s been a great week.. I cleared over 30 projects off my ‘finished’ board tonight.. what an awesome feeling! I am soo ready for the weekend. Time to rest, enjoy the great outdoors,…
Expanding My Virtual Empire
Way back in April of 2005 I wrote an article on Building Your Virtual Empire. I’ve moved ahead strong with that concept over the past few months and so has my ’empire’. Ya know the cool thing about that? We all have a virtual empire, no matter how small it may be. If you’ve contributed…
Wrapping Up The Evening
And first off on the evening agenda, we’ve gottt.. Pixel Madness! My good friend Benjamin Fitts recently wrote a post about Pixel Ad Space, giving some of his thoughts on the phenomenon and even some predictions. He mentioned one of my experiences and you can read more about that by checking out my comment on…
Into the Mind of a 19 Year Old
Today was a day of various frustrations, scattered throughout with a good helping of mid-size accomplishments. Not my choice of day, but I’ll take it :). I started off by waking up early, rising up on 6 hours of sleep so I’d be tired enough to make it to bed early tonight. So far, its…
Camping in Kentucky – I’ve returned!
Woohoo! Just got back from an AWESOME weekend in the Red River Gorge, Kentucky! My traveling companions were Krystle Brubaker and her boyfriend, Brian Reeves, Walter Rogers (Mr. Rogers), who is an SDA Youth Pastor from Canada, and yours truly, myself! They showed up at my place late Friday afternoon and after going over the…