Off I go with the family!
Alright everyone! I’m heading off for a couple of days to spend some time with my family! We’re gonna go visit my grandpa in Chicago and hang out with him for a bit! Mandy headed home to Nebraska today and Matt is heading off to Ireland and then South Africa, leaving us tomorrow! It’s gonna…
Sunless Yet Sunny Day At The Beach
My good friend Matt Geri is heading home to spend time with his family in Ireland this Monday. He’s gonna be gone for just over a month and a half and I’m definitely gonna miss him. Today we spent some time together hitting the electronics stores and buying absolutely nothing, which seems to be a…
Brainstorming And Goodbyes
Well, today was the day! After several weeks of planning and a few days of preparation, it all came down to the big event at high noon. I invited all the members into a chat room and the Youthcove Brainstorm session was underway. First off I have to send a huge thanks out to my…
3 Communication Killers
Just a few days ago, over lunch, I was reminded of a lesson I had learned, and forgotten almost a year ago. I’m always seeking to improve how I communicate with others and it was during one of my “learning experiences” that this old lesson was brought back to me. There are 3 killers of…
Entrepreneurs and Surf Boards
While listening in on a call announcing an internet marketing event I’m attending in September of this year, I heard an awesome little analogy I just had to share with you guys. Becoming a successful entrepreneur is a lot like surfing. First, you’re out there in the water. You’re lying on your board, floating out…